Many thanks to the fundraising team!
Friday 23rd September saw nearly 70 of us having a great time with the Gaelstrom Ceilidh Band
The Move the Masses fundraising team , ably led by Vicky, put on a cracking night at English Martyrs Church Hall. Ticket sales, bar sales and the raffle combined made a grand total of £1114.53 that can be used to help support our Move Mates projects and new areas of development for Move the Masses.
The fundraising team would particularly like to extend their thanks to Father Michael at English Martyrs and the Gaelstrom Ceilidh Band for supporting us with charity rates.
Our thanks go to all those who came along and supported us on the evening, to Leanne for her brilliant photos and to all those who donated raffle prizes.
“Congratulations to the fundraising committee for creating such a successful event “
Our next big fundraising event is the 12ks of Christmas
We’d love you to get involved, be it running, walking, rowing, swimming, or any other form of movement!
If you’ve got any ideas for other fundraising events for the future then get in touch.