Leeds Volunteers Are on the Move

Our Move Mates in Leeds are getting out and about

Our new pairings have been getting to know each other and exploring their local area. 

Over the past few months Elaine has been working hard in Leeds, spreading the word about what our Move Mates projects are and how people can get involved. Elaine is our Leeds Project Manager, and she is recruiting volunteers as well as building up partnerships with referrers.

Around half of the people we walk with are referred via Linking Leeds, and other prescribing services and organisations in the third sector. We also have a number of self-referrals. Referrals have proved very successful and we we now have a number of people waiting to be paired with volunteers.

There are now four pairs of people walking together in Leeds and we’re expecting to see our numbers grow over the next few months. We’re excited to see the project develop in Leeds and to achieve our ultimate goal of improving people’s wellbeing through movement.

“We continue to grow our volunteer community and would love to hear from anyone interested in volunteering with Move Mates.

Elaine, Project Manager

The best bit for us at Move Mates is to see the positive effects of getting out for a walk on the people we are supporting. Huge smiles and comments about how much they’re enjoying being out for a walk and discovering the local area is brilliant to see and hear! 

Photo of Elaine smiling and chatting at Meanwood Market with two women, Move Mates poster is next to her.
Elaine spreading the word about Leeds Move Mates at Meanwood Market
Andreea and Jane on their very first walk together in a local Leeds Park.

“I just find it hard to motivate myself to get out for a walk on my own, I feel I can go home today knowing I feel better than I did before I went out.

Sam, Participant

To contact Elaine about our Leeds project, head to our Leeds page.


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