New charity secretary on the board of trustees!
We're delighted to introduce our newest trustee, Tounse, to everyone. She is taking on the role of secretary for Move the Masses.
Tounse Falaiye has just come on board as our new charity secretary. She has an educational background in public health and business management and is currently studying for a masters degree in Public health in Nottingham.
She is employed within the healthcare sector, specifically in caring for the vulnerable, alongside studying for her degree. This means she has a great understanding of the issues that people may face that prevent them from leaving their homes to exercise independently.
Tounse has got involved with volunteering as she is keen to give some of her spare time towards promoting community wellbeing and development. We’re really pleased that she has chosen to do this with Move the Masses, her administrative and organisational skills, and her first hand experience as a healthcare worker, will be invaluable to us. As secretary, Tounse will be responsible for organising the trustees and producing agendas and minutes for the quarterly meetings.
“I have volunteered with the Move the Masses charity to use some of my spare time towards a good cause.”
“We are delighted to have Tounse’s experience and passion for wellbeing through physical exercise on the Board of Trustees and look forward to working with her. Tounse’s role will help the organisation fulfill its ambitious goals for the future.”
Ange, Trustee